Third Reading: Illustrations Strega Nona

The purpose of this reading is to bring together the information in the text and the illustrations. The discussion and activity options focus on analyzing the main idea, theme, character traits, setting and how all of the story elements fit together.

During this reading your child and you will read the story all the way through. Three ways that you can add fun and improve recall during this reading are:
~You may switch roles and become the listener and the questioner as your child “reads” (retells) the story to you. Assist your child in matching the retelling of the story to the illustration. Help your child pay attention to the details in the illustration to know when to turn the page.

~Your child and you may alternate the pages you “read” to each other.
~Dramatize the story. One of you may be Strega Nona. One may be Big Anthony. Both of you may be the townspeople. Emphasize tone and mood. Use the punctuation marks to help with phrasing. How fun!

~The peacock and the rabbit appear in many of the illustrations, but they are not mentioned in the text. Why is that? Do you think either of them plays a part in the story?
~Who is the most important character in the story? Explain your choice.
~Do you think Strega Nona is a witch? Cite evidence from the text to support your answer.
~Will Big Anthony try to use magic again? Explain your answer.


~There is colorful language in the text: Italian words and figurative language, in addition to great vocabulary. Pick a couple of words or phrases for your Word Wall. Remember to use them as often as you can this week. Connect them to other words on your Word Wall.
Italian Words: grazie, si
Figurative Language: turning on someone, stringing someone up, “We are lost”, didn’t have to look twice, keep her house and garden. Each of these phrases has a special meaning in this story.
Vocabulary Words: halt, mayor, barricade, compliments, alas, priests, sisters/nuns, hero, lie, fetch, magic, warts, potion, and witch
~Tomie de Paola wrote other stories about Strega Nona. Read another. How is Strega Nona alike in both stories? How is Strega Nona different?

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