Second Reading This Is Not My Hat

For the Second Reading the focus will be on both the text and a vocabulary word, probably.

Research done at both the University of Virginia and Ohio State University was reported in a National Public Radio ( article by Alix Spiegel (May 29, 2012). Ms. Spiegel notes the importance of focusing your child’s attention on the details in the text. Asking simple questions about the text leads to stronger comprehension. Modeling for the listener the importance of the text leads to building an appreciation for both the obvious and subtle meanings of the text. As you read, encourage connections to the previous “reading”of the illustrations. Tie the illustrations and the text together.

Read the pages before any discussion.

Pages 1 – 2

~Who is telling the story? (the little fish)

~Now that you know what the fish is thinking, look at the fish’s eye. How might he be feeling?
~How fast do you think he is swimming? Why might he be swimming quickly? (He looks like he is looking behind him. He looks like he thinks someone is chasing him.)

Pages 3 – 4:

~What is humorous about the text? (The little fish stole the hat from a very big fish. The hat is so little.)

Pages 5 – 6:

~ On page 6, probably: very likely, usually.

~Is the little fish correct, or do you think that the big fish woke up right away? Explain.

Pages 7 – 14:

Read the pages first.

~Do you think that the little fish is correct?  Discuss.

~What do you think of his plan to hide “where the plants grow big and tall and close together”? Is his plan going to work? Explain.

Pages 15 – 18:

~Does the crab keep the little fish’s hiding place a secret?

~Why do you think the crab shows the big fish where the little fish has gone?

Pages 19 – 20:

The little fish tries to explain why he stole the hat.

~Is he correct to take the big fish’s hat? Discuss.

Page 21 – 22:

~Does the little fish make it to safety?

Finish the text.

~Does the little fish stay safe?

~What probably happens in the tall plants?

Spend time talking about what is going on in the tall plants. Encourage the use of all senses.

Talk about the last pages. How does the story end?

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