Second Reading: Analysis Hank Finds an Egg

The discussion and activity options focus on analyzing the main idea, theme, character traits, setting and how all of the story elements fit together to increase comprehension, retention, and knowledge of all that is in this marvelous story.

During this reading your child and you will read the story all the way through. Three ways that you can add fun and improve recall during this reading:
~You may switch roles and become the listener and the questioner as your child “reads” (retells) the story to you. Tie together the structure of a story to match the photographs. Make sure that you include essential story elements: setting (when and where), characters, problem that the character is trying to solve, and how the problem is resolved at the end of the story. Help your child match story telling to the photograph. Help your child know when the appropriate time is to turn the page.
~Your child and you may alternate the pages you read to each other.
~Dramatize the story. Take the roles and voices of the different characters. One of you can be the narrator. The other can be Hank and the hummingbirds.

~Each time that you read this story, your child and you may create new dialogue and new twists to the plot.
~Do you like reading a book with no text? Explain.
~Think of words to describe what kind of personality Hank has. (possibilities: persistent, diligent, kind, curious, creative) How are Hank and you alike?
~Think of other story characters like Hank. One who might come to mind is Corduroy. Compare and contrast Corduroy and Hank. Compare and contrast Hank to any story character who comes to your mind.

~ Rebecca Dudley used only paper, clay, fabric, and wire to make her dioramas. Can you find where she uses these materials?
~The Reading Comprehension Best Practice for this book is Graphic Organizers. (A graphic organizer is a way to organize specific information.) Make a graphic organizer similar to the one below. Fill in this Graphic Organizer with the story elements of Hank Finds an Egg.



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