About This Book: A Treasury Of Curious George

by Margret and H.A. Rey
Please notice that this delightful collection of eight original stories is inspired by the creators of Curious George, not written by them. I looked at the numerous collections, boxed sets, etc. containing Curious George stories. This option is the best. The book is strongly bound for the heavy use that it will receive as your children come back again and again to spend more time with George and laugh at his delightful antics. The illustrations are done in watercolor and charcoal with the main characters remaining unchanged.
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The man with the yellow hat hasn’t changed his style of clothing, and George is still referred to as a monkey, even though he is a chimpanzee. (Monkeys have tails. Chimpanzees don’t.)

The storyline follows the original pattern of the Reys and the illustrations tie well to the text. The man in the yellow hat takes George to a place where George gets in trouble. At the end of the story, the man in the yellow hat appears in time to ensure a happy ending. The repetition of the story structure enables your child to compare multiple stories and facilitates an easy retelling of the different stories.

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