First Reading: Emeraldalicious



During the first reading, you’ll be forming inferences and making predictions. You’ll be inferring what the characters might be saying to each other and predicting what the magic wand will make next. You’ll enjoy studying the wand’s magical creations. The illustrations are full of old objects that can probably be found in a junkyard or recycling collection center. Take time to look at the objects in each illustration. Some are new and some are from the past. Predict what the magic wand will put together for Pinkalicious and her brother, Peter.

Enjoy the beautiful illustrations in the front of the book. They will prepare your listener for the wonder of the illustrations to come.

*If the pages in your book are not numbered, page 1 is the page on which the text begins.


Page 1:

~What do you see on this page?

~How do the characters seem to be feeling?


Pages 2 – 3:

~Looking at the details, where do you think the characters are? Does this forest look like a regular forest?

~What has happened to the girl? How do you think it  might have happened?

~Why might the boy have a smile on his face?


Pages 4 – 5:

~Where do you think the wand came from?

~Look back at pages 2 – 3. Do you see the wand there?

~What do you think the girl and the boy might be saying to each other?


Pages 6 – 7:

~How did the girl get her cape and crown?

~What might the boy be saying?


Pages 8 – 9:

~Where to you think the characters are now? How might they have gotten there?

~Take time to look at the objects. Your listener might not recognize some of them old objects. If you have some special memories connected with some of the objects, share the memories with your child.


Pages 10 – 13:

~On pages 10 and 11, what objects to you see in the throne?

~What might have caused the throne to appear?

~On pages 12 and 13, look at the children’s faces. What might they be saying?


Pages 14 – 17:

~On pages 14 and 15, what is different about the birds?

~On pages 16 and 17, discuss the objects used to make the castle. Some of them are out-of-date. Share your knowledge and memories connected with any of the objects.


Pages 18 – 19:

~Why does the boy have one look on his face and the girl have a very different look?

~How do you think the girl might have gotten her new outfit? What is it made from?


Pages 20 – 23:

~On pages 20 and 21, discuss some of the objects used to make the magic carriage.

~The boy has a smile on his face on these pages. Why might he be smiling?

~On page 22, how does the girl seem to be feeling?


Pages 24 – 25:

~There is a lot to discover on these pages. Enjoy discussing the magic and the objects in Emeraldalicious Garden!

~Add sensory information. What might you hear in Emeraldalicious Garden? What might the children be saying? Would there be any special smells in the garden?


Pages 26 – 27:

~What seems to be happening to the wand? Can you predict why this might be happening?

~What might the children be saying to each other?


Page 28:

~What do you see?

~Why might the children be so happy?

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