Practickle Goes to the Movies

My grandchildren love to see every Pixar and Disney movie that comes out. Their recent favorite: Frozen! (Princess Anna reminds me of my granddaughter, Izzie, because she loves her sister through thick and thin 🙂 )

I like to use going to the movies as an opportunity to build my grandchildren’s reasoning skills, because why should we save Practickle tactics for exclusively story time?

Below are a couple of questions that I ask my grandchildren that are great discussion starters in addition to encouraging analysis of the movie:

  • What happened after _______? Putting plot events in order is great exercise for the brain. You can make it into a game on the ride home from the theater: The person who gives the correct answer to this question gets to ask the next “after” question!
  • Who was the most important character? Ask for details from the movie that support your child’s answer.
  • How is the most important character or favorite character like you or someone you know? Always encourage giving details from the movie to support the answer given by your child.


Be sure to give your answers and share your ideas too!

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